Well, after six and a half years of living in the "land of milk and honey," my boyfriend, Mark (who's originally from England), and I have decided to return to the Old Continent and reconnect with our roots. The romantic myth of America is haunting many people in countries all over the world, countries that cannot provide their nations with the conveniences and luxuries America can, but as they say: ignorance is bliss. It's those same comforts that make people jaded and complacent.
Anyway, we've been waiting for my graduation and now that my schooling is done and over with, Mark and I are going back to Bulgaria, and perhaps I shouldn't use the term "going back" as my boyfriend has never been to my native land. He is extremely excited though and I admire his enthusiasm to move to a place he's never been to, let alone face the language barrier. He's definitely in for a treat:) We both need a dose of some adventure and excitement. I personally need a break! Doesn't everyone? I've been an Au pair, cashier at an arts and craft store (yawn), a nanny for rich people, nice people, not-so-nice people, Americans, Indians and Jewish people, I've been an accounting assistant in an office (yawn again), and an intern at a literary journal (that was the best one of all). I did shitty jobs in order to pay for my education, and I spent most of my last few years pretty much just working and doing homework. So now I'm ready for some R & R; can't wait to lazy around on the beach and soak up the sun. The plan is actually to settle in Varna, which is the second largest city in Bulgaria, smack in the middle of the Black Sea coast. We also intend to do some traveling and, as a matter of fact, my mom has already taken the liberty of signing us up for a four-day trip...on a bus...fifteen days after we get there. Stay tuned for further updates:-)...